Video Court Solutions


Video Court


Video Court generates proceedings dynamically each day, eliminating the insecure process of publicly posting information with meeting ID's or passwords that never change. Publicly posted static meetings can lead to security issues and abuse of the system. Video Court has you covered; not only automating meeting creation, but also providing more secure access to video proceedings.

Custom Landing Pages

Video Court can provide custom landing pages for your organization as well as direct URL's to your proceedings, making public access even easier. Customized pages allow you to brand your remote video proceeding page with your seals, logos, graphics or custom rules/instructions for participants. Once custom pages are created, they can be easily linked into your organizations existing websites and applications.

Merge Proceedings

In today's ever changing environment, last minute changes may need to be made to previously scheduled proceedings. Whether a Judge is out sick, gone on vacation or if any other emergency situation arises, Video Court makes it easy to redirect participants from one location to another. One or more proceedings can all be merged into another proceeding, allowing one Judge to handle multiple court calls. Participants are able to easily find their scheduled proceeding and be redirected into the merged court call.

Remote Video Search Warrants

Video Court offers a comprehensive search warrant system that guides officers, prosecutors and Judges through the search warrant process. Template driven search warrant documents allow for officers to draft compaints and search warrants quickly using approved standardized formats. Video Court's built in video conferencing technology automatically connects officers to the approprate Court and Judge, allowing the process to be completed 100% remotely.

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Criminal Complaints and Arrest Warrants

The Video Court criminal complaint and arrest warrant system allows officers to draft and file complaints seamlessly through an easy to follow standardized process. The system supports workflows with or without an associated arrest warrant. If an arrest warrant is sought, the officer and Judge are automatically connected via remote video conference, allowing both the complaint and warrant to be remotely presented to the Court. Participating Courts can directly integrate with the system to electronically file the complaint and warrant at the conclusion of the process.

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eLineup Photo Lineup's

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